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Knowledge Base
0-9 | |
3PL | 3rd Party Logistics |
4PL | 4th Party Logistics |
4SC | 4-High Straddle Carrier |
A | |
A/W | Advance Commercial Information |
ACI | Advance Commercial Information System use in Canada |
AMS | Automated Manifest System System use in U.S |
APEC | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation |
API | Application Programming Interface |
ARENA | Asia North America Eastbound Rate Agreement |
AS/RS | Automated Storage and Retrieval System |
AWB | Air Waybill |
B | |
B2B | Business to Business |
B2C | Business to Customer |
BAF | Bunker Adjustment Factor |
B/B | Break Bulk |
BCO | Beneficial Cargo Owner |
BIMCO | The Baltic and International Maritime Council |
B/L | Bill of Lading |
BPO | Business Process Outsourcing |
Boned Warehouse | |
C | |
CAF | Currency Adjustment Factor |
CBM | Cubic Metre |
C&F | Cost and Freight |
CC | Carbon Copy |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Address |
CEPA | Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement |
CFM | Cubic Feet per Minute |
CFS | Container Freight Station |
CGI | Common Gateway Interface |
CIF | Cost , Insurance and Freight |
CILT | The Chartered Institute Logistics and Transport |
CIM | The Chartered Institute of Marketing |
CIP | Carriage and Insurance Paid To |
CLP | Container Load Plan |
C/O | Certificate of Origin |
C.O.C. | Carrier’s Own Container |
C.O.D. | Cash On Delivery |
COFC | Container-on-flatcar |
CPT | Carriage Paid To |
CSC | International Convention for Sale Container |
CY | Container Yard |
Customs Broker | |
Customs Declaration | |
D | |
D/A | Document Against Acceptance |
DAF | Delivery at Frontier |
DDC | Destination Delivery Charge |
DOC | Document Charges |
DDP | Delivered Duty Paid |
DDU | Delivered Duty Unpaid |
DES | Delivered Ex-Ship |
DEQ | Delivered ex-Quay |
D.G | Dangerous Goods |
D/O | Delivery Order |
D/P | Document Against Payment |
DPP | Damage Protection Plan |
DRP | Distribution Resources Planning |
D/R | Dock Receipt |
E | |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
E.&O.E. | Errors and Omissions Excepted |
ERM | Enterprise Resources Management |
EPS | Equipment Position Surcharges |
ERP | Enterprise Resources Planning |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure |
EXW | Ex-Works |
Export Supervised Warehouse | |
F | |
FAF | Fuel Adjustment Factor |
FAK | Freight All Kinds |
FAS | Free Alongside Ship |
FB/L | FIATA Combined Transport Bill of Lading |
FCL | Full Container Load |
FCR | Forwarder's Cargo Receipt |
FEFC | Far East Freight Conference |
FEU | Forty Feet Equivalent Unit |
F.I. | Free In |
FIATA | International Federation of Forwarding Agent Associations |
FIFO | First-in, First-out |
F.I.O. | Free In and Out |
FIOST | Free In, Out, Stowed & Trimmed |
FMC | Federal Maritime Commission |
FOB | Free On Board |
FOC | Flag of Convenience |
F.O | Free Out |
F.O.R. | Free On Rail |
F.O.T. | Free On Truck |
F/R | Flat Rack Container |
FRC | Fuel Recovery Charge |
FTP | File transfer Protocol |
FTZ | Free Trade Zones |
G | |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GRI | General Rate Increasing |
GSA | General Sales Agent |
GSC | Global Supply Chain |
GWT | Gross Weight |
H | |
HAFFA | Hong Kong Association of Fregiht Forwarding and Logistics Ltd. |
HAWB | House Air Waybill |
H/H | Half Height Container |
I | |
I/G | In Gauge |
IADA | Intra Asia Discussion Agreement |
I.A.Rates | Independent Action rates |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
IBC | Intermediate Bulk Container |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICC | International Chamber of Commerce |
ICP | Internet Content provider |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology |
IMDG | International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code |
IMO | International Maritime Organization |
Incoterms | International Commercial Terms |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPI | Interior Point Intermodal |
IRA | Informal Rate Agreement |
ISDN | Integrated Server Digital Network |
ISO | International Standard Organization |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
ISPS | International Ship and Port Facility Security |
J | |
JIT | Just in Time |
L | |
LASH | Ligther Aboard Ship |
LAN | Local Area Networking |
L/C | Letter of Credit |
LCL | Less (than) container load |
L/G | Letter of Guarantee |
L.I. | Liner Inward |
LILO | Last-in, Last-out |
L.I.O | Liner In and Out |
L.O.A | Length Overall |
Lo-Lo ship | Lift-on Lift-off ship |
LNG | Liquefied Natural Gas |
LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
LT | (Lead Time) Time between placing and receiving an order |
LTL | Less-than-truckload |
M | |
M/T | Measurement Ton |
MB/L | Master Bill of Lading |
MTD | multimode Transport Document |
MAWB | Master Air Waybill |
MLB | Mainland Bridge |
MLO | Main Line Operators |
MRP | Material Requirements Planning |
M/S | Motor Ship |
MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheet |
MTO | Multimode Transport Operator |
N | |
N/A | Not Applicable/Not Available |
NAP | Network Access Point |
N.O.E. | Not Otherwise Enumerated |
N.O.S | Not Otherwise Specified |
NVOCC | Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier |
O | |
OCP | Overland Common Point |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
O/F | Ocean Freight |
O/H | Over Height |
ORC | Origin Receiving Charge |
O/S | Open Side Container |
O/T | Open Top Container |
O/W | Over Width |
P | |
PCS | Port Congestion Surcharge |
P&I Club | Protection and Indemnity Club |
POD | Port of Discharge |
POL | Port of Loading |
POP | Point of Presence |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol |
PRD | Pearl River Deta |
PSS | Peak Season Surcharge |
R | |
RF | Reefer Container |
RFP | Request For proposal |
RFQ | Request For Quotation |
RFRC | Rail Fuel Recovery Charge |
Ro-Ro Ship | Roil-on Roil-off ship |
RRS | Rate Restoration Surcharge |
R/T | Revenue Tons |
S | |
SAN | Storage Area Network |
SCM | Supply Chain Management |
SET | Secure Electronic Transaction |
SKU | Stork Keeping Unit |
SME | Small and Medium-size Enterprises |
S/O / S/I | Shipping Order/Shipping Instruction |
S.O.C | Shipper's Own Container |
SQL | Structure Query Language |
S/C | Sales Confirmation |
S/S | Steamship |
SSL | Secure Socket Layer |
S.T.C. | Said To Contain |
T | |
TACA | Transatlantic Conference Agreement |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
TEU | Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit |
T.H.C | Terminal Handing Charge |
TMS | Transportation Managemeant System |
TOFC | Trailer-on-Flatcar |
TQC | Total Quality Control |
TQM | Total Quality Management |
T.R.S | Terminal Receiving Station |
TSA | Transpacific Stabilization Agreement |
T/S | Transhipment Port |
TSR | Trans Siberian Railway |
TT | Telegraphic Transfer |
T/T | Transit Time |
TVC | Time Volume Contract |
TWRA | Transpacific Westbound Rate Agreement |
U | |
UCP500 | Uniform Customs and practice for Documentary Credits |
ULCC | Ultra Large Crude Carrier |
UNCTAD | Unided Nations Conference of Trade and Development |
V | |
V.A.T | Value Added Tax |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
VLCC | Very Large Crude Carrier |
VMI | Vendor Managed Inventory |
V.O.W. | Vehicle On Wheel |
VOC | Vessel Operation Carrier |
VOY | Voyage |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |
VSL | Vessel |
W | |
W/M | Weight or Measurement ton |
W/T | Weight Ton |
WAP | Wireless Appreciation Protocol |
WCS | Wireless Communications Service |
WMS | Warehouse Managemant System |
W.R. | War Risks |
WTO | World Trade Organization |
W.W. | Warehouse Warrant |
Y | |
YAS | Yen Appreciate Surcharge |
YAS | Yard Surcharges |
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